Looking forward to book group meetings in 2023
In 2023, to celebrate CMY’s bicentenary, we shall be discussing some of her most significant works: 11 February The Little Duke (her first real historical story – not counting Kenneth – and her first serial in The Monthly Packet 13 May Scenes and Characters (the very first of the linked novels) + The Two Sides of the Shield (its sequel) 12 August (the day after The Birthday!) The Heir of Redclyffe (her best-known work) 11 November The Carbonels + Founded on Paper (her story based on her parents’, and her own, early years in Otterbourne, with its sequel, dealing with the same village in the 1890s, thus bracketing CMY’s own life) 9 December A light-hearted discussion on Who You Would Cast as any CMY characters in a (sadly unlikely to happen) film or televisation of any of her books. All the books are available online. Some are very well known and others (particularly Founded on Paper) may be unfamiliar